Package 'SANple'

Title: Fitting Shared Atoms Nested Models via Markov Chains Monte Carlo
Description: Estimate Bayesian nested mixture models via Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Specifically, the package implements the common atoms model (Denti et al., 2023), and hybrid finite-infinite models. All models use Gaussian mixtures with a normal-inverse-gamma prior distribution on the parameters. Additional functions are provided to help analyzing the results of the fitting procedure. References: Denti, Camerlenghi, Guindani, Mira (2023) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1933499>, D’Angelo, Denti (2024) <doi:10.1214/24-BA1458>.
Authors: Francesco Denti [aut, cre] , Laura D'Angelo [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Francesco Denti <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-03-01 04:51:11 UTC

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Estimate observational and distributional clusters


Given the MCMC output, estimate the observational and distributional partitions using salso::salso().


estimate_clusters(object, burnin = 0, ncores = 0)



object of class SANmcmc (the result of a call to sample_fiSAN, sample_fSAN, or sample_CAM).


the length of the burn-in to be discarded before estimating the clusters (default is 2/3 of the iterations).


the number of CPU cores to use, i.e., the number of simultaneous runs at any given time. A value of zero indicates to use all cores on the system.


Object of class SANclusters. The object contains:

est_oc estimated partition at the observational level. It is an object of class salso.estimate.

est_dc estimated partition at the distributional level. It is an object of class salso.estimate.

clus_means cluster-specific sample means of the estimated partition.

clus_vars cluster-specific sample variances of the estimated partition.

See Also

salso::salso(), print.SANmcmc, plot.SANmcmc, print.SANclusters


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
out <- sample_fiSAN(nrep = 500, burn = 200,
                     y = y, group = g, 
                    nclus_start = 2,
                    maxK = 20, maxL = 20,
                    beta = 1)

Plotting MCMC output


Plot method for objects of class SANmcmc. The function displays two graphs, meant to analyze the estimated distributional and observational clusters.


## S3 method for class 'SANmcmc'
  type = c("boxplot", "ecdf", "scatter"),
  estimated_clusters = NULL,
  burnin = 0,
  palette_brewed = FALSE,
  ncores = 1,



object of class SANmcmc (the result of a call to sample_fiSAN, sample_fSAN, or sample_CAM).


what type of plot should be drawn (only for the left-side plot). Possible types are "boxplot", "ecdf", and "scatter".


the output of a call to estimate_clusters (optional). It can be used to speed up the function if the partition has already been computed. If estimated_clusters = NULL, the displayed partition is computed using estimate_clusters.


the length of the burn-in to be discarded (default is 2/3 of the iterations).


(logical) the color palette to be used. Default is R base colors (palette_brewed = FALSE).


if the partition is computed, the number of CPU cores to use to estimate the clusters, i.e., the number of simultaneous runs at any given time. A value of zero indicates to use all cores on the system.


additional graphical parameters to be passed when type = "scatter" is used.


The function plots a summary of the fitted model.

See Also

print.SANmcmc, estimate_clusters


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
out <- sample_fiSAN(nrep = 500, burn = 200, 
                    y = y, group = g, 
                    nclus_start = 2,
                    maxK = 20, maxL = 20,
                    beta = 1)
plot(out, type = "ecdf", palette_brewed = TRUE)

Print cluster summary


Print the cluster-specific sample means and variances of the estimated observational and distributional partition.


## S3 method for class 'SANclusters'
print(x, ...)



object of class SANclusters (the result of a call to estimate_clusters)




The function prints a summary of the estimated clusters.

Print MCMC output


Print method for objects of class SANmcmc.


## S3 method for class 'SANmcmc'
print(x, ...)



object of class SANmcmc (the result of a call to sample_fiSAN, sample_fSAN, or sample_CAM).




The function prints a summary of the fitted model.

See Also

estimate_clusters, plot.SANmcmc

Sample CAM


sample_CAM is used to perform posterior inference under the common atoms model (CAM) of Denti et al. (2023) with Gaussian likelihood. The model uses Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM) at both the observational and distributional levels. The implemented algorithm is based on the nested slice sampler of Denti et al. (2023), based on the algorithm of Kalli, Griffin and Walker (2011).


sample_CAM(nrep, burn, y, group, 
           maxK = 50, maxL = 50, 
           m0 = 0, tau0 = 0.1, lambda0 = 3, gamma0 = 2,
           hyp_alpha1 = 1, hyp_alpha2 = 1,
           hyp_beta1 = 1, hyp_beta2 = 1,
           alpha = NULL, beta = NULL,
           warmstart = TRUE, nclus_start = NULL,
           mu_start = NULL, sigma2_start = NULL,
           M_start = NULL, S_start = NULL,
           alpha_start = NULL, beta_start = NULL,
           progress = TRUE, seed = NULL)



Number of MCMC iterations.


Number of discarded iterations.


Vector of observations.


Vector of the same length of y indicating the group membership (numeric).


Maximum number of distributional clusters (default = 50).


Maximum number of observational clusters (default = 50).

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Hyperparameters on (μ,σ2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu, \sigma^2) \sim NIG(m_0, \tau_0, \lambda_0,\gamma_0). Default is (0, 0.1, 3, 2).

hyp_alpha1, hyp_alpha2

If a random α\alpha is used, (hyp_alpha1, hyp_alpha2) specify the hyperparameters. Default is (1,1). The prior is α\alpha ~ Gamma(hyp_alpha1, hyp_alpha2).

hyp_beta1, hyp_beta2

If a random β\beta is used, (hyp_beta1, hyp_beta2) specify the hyperparameters. Default is (1,1). The prior is β\beta ~ Gamma(hyp_beta1, hyp_beta2).


Distributional DP parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is πGEM(α)\pi\sim GEM (\alpha).


Observational DP parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is ωkGEM(β)\omega_k \sim GEM (\beta).

warmstart, nclus_start

Initialization of the observational clustering. warmstart is logical parameter (default = TRUE) of whether a kmeans clustering should be used to initialize the chains. An initial guess of the number of observational clusters can be passed via the nclus_start parameter (optional). Default is nclus_start = min(c(maxL, 30)).

mu_start, sigma2_start, M_start, S_start, alpha_start, beta_start

Starting points of the MCMC chains (optional). mu_start, sigma2_start are vectors of length maxL. M_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length N. S_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length J. alpha_start, alpha_start are numeric.


show a progress bar? (logical, default TRUE).


set a fixed seed.


Data structure

The common atoms mixture model is used to perform inference in nested settings, where the data are organized into JJ groups. The data should be continuous observations (Y1,,YJ)(Y_1,\dots,Y_J), where each Yj=(y1,j,,ynj,j)Y_j = (y_{1,j},\dots,y_{n_j,j}) contains the njn_j observations from group jj, for j=1,,Jj=1,\dots,J. The function takes as input the data as a numeric vector y in this concatenated form. Hence y should be a vector of length n1++nJn_1+\dots+n_J. The group parameter is a numeric vector of the same size as y indicating the group membership for each individual observation. Notice that with this specification the observations in the same group need not be contiguous as long as the correspondence between the variables y and group is maintained.


The data are modeled using a univariate Gaussian likelihood, where both the mean and the variance are observational-cluster-specific, i.e.,

yi,jMi,j=lN(μl,σl2)y_{i,j}\mid M_{i,j} = l \sim N(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)

where Mi,j{1,2,}M_{i,j} \in \{1,2,\dots\} is the observational cluster indicator of observation ii in group jj. The prior on the model parameters is a Normal-Inverse-Gamma distribution (μl,σl2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)\sim NIG (m_0,\tau_0,\lambda_0,\gamma_0), i.e., μlσl2N(m0,σl2/τ0)\mu_l\mid\sigma^2_l \sim N(m_0, \sigma^2_l / \tau_0), 1/σl2Gamma(λ0,γ0)1/\sigma^2_l \sim Gamma(\lambda_0, \gamma_0) (shape, rate).


The model performs a clustering of both observations and groups. The clustering of groups (distributional clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Sj{1,2,}S_j \in \{1,2,\dots\}, with

Pr(Sj=k)=πkfor k=1,2,Pr(S_j = k \mid \dots ) = \pi_k \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,2,\dots

The distribution of the probabilities is {πk}k=1GEM(α)\{\pi_k\}_{k=1}^{\infty} \sim GEM(\alpha), where GEM is the Griffiths-Engen-McCloskey distribution of parameter α\alpha, which characterizes the stick-breaking construction of the DP (Sethuraman, 1994).

The clustering of observations (observational clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Mi,j{1,2,}M_{i,j} \in \{1,2,\dots\}, with

Pr(Mi,j=lSj=k,)=ωl,kfor k=1,2,;l=1,2,Pr(M_{i,j} = l \mid S_j = k, \dots ) = \omega_{l,k} \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,2,\dots \, ; \: l = 1,2,\dots

The distribution of the probabilities is {ωl,k}l=1GEM(β)\{\omega_{l,k}\}_{l=1}^{\infty} \sim GEM(\beta) for all k=1,2,k = 1,2,\dots


sample_CAM returns four objects:

  • model: name of the fitted model.

  • params: list containing the data and the parameters used in the simulation. Details below.

  • sim: list containing the simulated values (MCMC chains). Details below.

  • time: total computation time.

Data and parameters: params is a list with the following components:


Number of MCMC iterations.

y, group

Data and group vectors.

maxK, maxL

Maximum number of distributional and observational clusters.

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Model hyperparameters.

(hyp_alpha1,hyp_alpha2) or alpha

Either the hyperparameters on α\alpha (if α\alpha random), or the value for α\alpha (if fixed).

(hyp_beta1,hyp_beta2) or beta

Either the hyperparameters on β\beta (if β\beta random), or the value for β\beta (if fixed).

Simulated values: sim is a list with the following components:


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the mean parameter for each observational cluster (μ1,μL)(\mu_1,\dots\mu_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the variance parameter for each observational cluster (σ12,σL2)(\sigma^2_1,\dots\sigma^2_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, n), with n = length(y). Each row is a posterior sample of the observational cluster allocation variables (M1,1,,MnJ,J)(M_{1,1},\dots,M_{n_J,J}).


Matrix of size (nrep, J), with J = length(unique(group)). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster allocation variables (S1,,SJ)(S_1,\dots,S_J).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxK). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster probabilities (π1,,πmaxK)(\pi_1,\dots,\pi_{maxK}).


3-d array of size (maxL, maxK, nrep). Each slice is a posterior sample of the observational cluster probabilities. In each slice, each column kk is a vector (of length maxL) observational cluster probabilities (ω1,k,,ωmaxL,k)(\omega_{1,k},\dots,\omega_{maxL,k}) for distributional cluster kk.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter α\alpha.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter β\beta.


Vector of length nrep of the number of distributional DP components used by the slice sampler.


Vector of length nrep of the number of observational DP components used by the slice sampler.


Denti, F., Camerlenghi, F., Guindani, M., and Mira, A. (2023). A Common Atoms Model for the Bayesian Nonparametric Analysis of Nested Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(541), 405-416. <doi:10.1080/01621459.2021.1933499>

Kalli, M., Griffin, J.E., and Walker, S.G. (2011). Slice Sampling Mixture Models, Statistics and Computing, 21, 93–105. <doi:10.1007/s11222-009-9150-y>

Sethuraman, A.J. (1994). A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors, Statistica Sinica, 4, 639–650.


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
plot(density(y[g==1]), xlim = c(-5,10))
lines(density(y[g==2]), col = 2)
out <- sample_CAM(nrep = 500, burn = 200, y = y, group = g,
                  nclus_start = 2,
                  maxL = 20, maxK = 20)

Sample fiSAN with sparse mixtures


sample_fiSAN is used to perform posterior inference under the finite-infinite shared atoms nested (fiSAN) model with Gaussian likelihood. The model uses a Dirichlet process mixture prior at the distributional level, and a sparse (overfitted) Dirichlet mixture (Malsiner-Walli et al., 2016) at the observational level. The algorithm for the nonparametric component is based on the slice sampler for DPM of Kalli, Griffin and Walker (2011).


sample_fiSAN(nrep, burn, y, group, 
              maxK = 50, maxL = 50, 
              m0 = 0, tau0 = 0.1, lambda0 = 3, gamma0 = 2,
              hyp_alpha1 = 1, hyp_alpha2 = 1,
              alpha = NULL, beta = NULL,
              warmstart = TRUE, nclus_start = NULL,
              mu_start = NULL, sigma2_start = NULL,
              M_start = NULL, S_start = NULL,
              alpha_start = NULL,
              progress = TRUE, seed = NULL)



Number of MCMC iterations.


Number of discarded iterations.


Vector of observations.


Vector of the same length of y indicating the group membership (numeric).


Maximum number of distributional clusters KK (default = 50).


Maximum number of observational clusters LL (default = 50).

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Hyperparameters on (μ,σ2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu, \sigma^2) \sim NIG(m_0, \tau_0, \lambda_0,\gamma_0). Default is (0, 0.1, 3, 2).

hyp_alpha1, hyp_alpha2

If a random α\alpha is used, (hyp_alpha1,hyp_alpha2) specify the hyperparameters (default = (1,1)). The prior is α\alpha ~ Gamma(hyp_alpha1, hyp_alpha2).


Distributional DP parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is πGEM(α)\pi\sim GEM (\alpha).


Observational Dirichlet parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is Dirichlet( rep(beta, maxL) ). Notice that beta should be small to ensure sparsity (e.g. beta = 0.01)

warmstart, nclus_start

Initialization of the observational clustering. warmstart is logical parameter (default = TRUE) of whether a kmeans clustering should be used to initialize the chains. An initial guess of the number of observational clusters can be passed via the nclus_start parameter (optional)

mu_start, sigma2_start, M_start, S_start, alpha_start

Starting points of the MCMC chains (optional). Default is nclus_start = min(c(maxL, 30)). mu_start, sigma2_start are vectors of length maxL. M_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length N. S_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length J. alpha_start is a positive real number.


show a progress bar? (logical, default TRUE).


set a fixed seed.


Data structure

The finite-infinite common atoms mixture model is used to perform inference in nested settings, where the data are organized into JJ groups. The data should be continuous observations (Y1,,YJ)(Y_1,\dots,Y_J), where each Yj=(y1,j,,ynj,j)Y_j = (y_{1,j},\dots,y_{n_j,j}) contains the njn_j observations from group jj, for j=1,,Jj=1,\dots,J. The function takes as input the data as a numeric vector y in this concatenated form. Hence y should be a vector of length n1++nJn_1+\dots+n_J. The group parameter is a numeric vector of the same size as y indicating the group membership for each individual observation. Notice that with this specification the observations in the same group need not be contiguous as long as the correspondence between the variables y and group is maintained.


The data are modeled using a univariate Gaussian likelihood, where both the mean and the variance are observational-cluster-specific, i.e.,

yi,jMi,j=lN(μl,σl2)y_{i,j}\mid M_{i,j} = l \sim N(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)

where Mi,j{1,,L}M_{i,j} \in \{1,\dots,L \} is the observational cluster indicator of observation ii in group jj. The prior on the model parameters is a Normal-Inverse-Gamma distribution (μl,σl2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)\sim NIG (m_0,\tau_0,\lambda_0,\gamma_0), i.e., μlσl2N(m0,σl2/τ0)\mu_l\mid\sigma^2_l \sim N(m_0, \sigma^2_l / \tau_0), 1/σl2Gamma(λ0,γ0)1/\sigma^2_l \sim Gamma(\lambda_0, \gamma_0) (shape, rate).


The model performs a clustering of both observations and groups. The clustering of groups (distributional clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Sj{1,2,}S_j \in \{1,2,\dots\}, with

Pr(Sj=k)=πkfor k=1,2,Pr(S_j = k \mid \dots ) = \pi_k \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,2,\dots

The distribution of the probabilities is {πk}k=1GEM(α)\{\pi_k\}_{k=1}^{\infty} \sim GEM(\alpha), where GEM is the Griffiths-Engen-McCloskey distribution of parameter α\alpha, which characterizes the stick-breaking construction of the DP (Sethuraman, 1994).

The clustering of observations (observational clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Mi,j{1,,L}M_{i,j} \in \{1,\dots,L\}, with

Pr(Mi,j=lSj=k,)=ωl,kfor k=1,2,;l=1,,L.Pr(M_{i,j} = l \mid S_j = k, \dots ) = \omega_{l,k} \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,2,\dots \, ; \: l = 1,\dots,L.

The distribution of the probabilities is (ω1,k,,ωL,k)DirichletL(β,,β)(\omega_{1,k},\dots,\omega_{L,k})\sim Dirichlet_L(\beta,\dots,\beta) for all k=1,2,k = 1,2,\dots.


sample_fiSAN returns four objects:

  • model: name of the fitted model.

  • params: list containing the data and the parameters used in the simulation. Details below.

  • sim: list containing the simulated values (MCMC chains). Details below.

  • time: total computation time.

Data and parameters: params is a list with the following components:


Number of MCMC iterations.

y, group

Data and group vectors.

maxK, maxL

Maximum number of distributional and observational clusters.

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Model hyperparameters.

(hyp_alpha1,hyp_alpha2) or alpha

Either the hyperparameters on α\alpha (if α\alpha random), or the value for α\alpha (if fixed).

Simulated values: sim is a list with the following components:


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the mean parameter for each observational cluster (μ1,μL)(\mu_1,\dots\mu_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the variance parameter for each observational cluster (σ12,σL2)(\sigma^2_1,\dots\sigma^2_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, n), with n = length(y). Each row is a posterior sample of the observational cluster allocation variables (M1,1,,MnJ,J)(M_{1,1},\dots,M_{n_J,J}).


Matrix of size (nrep, J), with J = length(unique(group)). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster allocation variables (S1,,SJ)(S_1,\dots,S_J).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxK). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster probabilities (π1,,πmaxK)(\pi_1,\dots,\pi_{maxK}).


3-d array of size (maxL, maxK, nrep). Each slice is a posterior sample of the observational cluster probabilities. In each slice, each column kk is a vector (of length maxL) observational cluster probabilities (ω1,k,,ωL,k)(\omega_{1,k},\dots,\omega_{L,k}) for distributional cluster kk.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter α\alpha.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter β\beta.


Vector of length nrep of the number of distributional DP components used by the slice sampler.


Kalli, M., Griffin, J.E., and Walker, S.G. (2011). Slice Sampling Mixture Models, Statistics and Computing, 21, 93–105. <doi:10.1007/s11222-009-9150-y>

Malsiner-Walli, G., Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. and Grün, B. (2016). Model-based clustering based on sparse finite Gaussian mixtures. Statistics and Computing 26, 303–324. <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9500-2>

Sethuraman, A.J. (1994). A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors, Statistica Sinica, 4, 639–650.


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
plot(density(y[g==1]), xlim = c(-5,10))
lines(density(y[g==2]), col = 2)
out <- sample_fiSAN(nrep = 500, burn = 200, y = y, group = g, 
                              nclus_start = 2,
                              maxK = 20, maxL = 20,
                              beta = 0.01)

Sample fSAN with sparse mixtures


sample_fSAN is used to perform posterior inference under the finite shared atoms nested (fSAN) model with Gaussian likelihood (originally proposed in D'Angelo et al., 2023). The model uses overfitted (sparse) Dirichlet mixtures (Malsiner-Walli et al., 2016) at both the observational and distributional level.


sample_fSAN(nrep, burn, y, group, 
               maxK = 50, maxL = 50, 
               m0 = 0, tau0 = 0.1, lambda0 = 3, gamma0 = 2,
               alpha = NULL, beta = NULL,
               warmstart = TRUE, nclus_start = NULL,
               mu_start = NULL, sigma2_start = NULL, 
               M_start = NULL, S_start = NULL,
               progress = TRUE, seed = NULL)



Number of MCMC iterations.


Number of discarded iterations.


Vector of observations.


Vector of the same length of y indicating the group membership (numeric).


Maximum number of distributional clusters KK (default = 50).


Maximum number of observational clusters LL (default = 50).

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Hyperparameters on (μ,σ2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu, \sigma^2) \sim NIG(m_0, \tau_0, \lambda_0,\gamma_0). Default is (0, 0.1, 3, 2).


Distributional Dirichlet parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is Dirichlet( rep(alpha, maxK) ).


Observational Dirichlet parameter if fixed (optional). The distribution is Dirichlet( rep(beta, maxL) ).

warmstart, nclus_start

Initialization of the observational clustering. warmstart is logical parameter (default = TRUE) of whether a kmeans clustering should be used to initialize the chains. An initial guess of the number of observational clusters can be passed via the nclus_start parameter (optional)

mu_start, sigma2_start, M_start, S_start

Starting points of the MCMC chains (optional). Default is nclus_start = min(c(maxL, 30)). mu_start, sigma2_start are vectors of length maxL. M_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length N. S_start is a vector of observational cluster allocation of length J.


show a progress bar? (logical, default TRUE).


set a fixed seed.


Data structure

The overfitted mixture common atoms model is used to perform inference in nested settings, where the data are organized into JJ groups. The data should be continuous observations (Y1,,YJ)(Y_1,\dots,Y_J), where each Yj=(y1,j,,ynj,j)Y_j = (y_{1,j},\dots,y_{n_j,j}) contains the njn_j observations from group jj, for j=1,,Jj=1,\dots,J. The function takes as input the data as a numeric vector y in this concatenated form. Hence y should be a vector of length n1++nJn_1+\dots+n_J. The group parameter is a numeric vector of the same size as y indicating the group membership for each individual observation. Notice that with this specification the observations in the same group need not be contiguous as long as the correspondence between the variables y and group is maintained.


The data are modeled using a univariate Gaussian likelihood, where both the mean and the variance are observational-cluster-specific, i.e.,

yi,jMi,j=lN(μl,σl2)y_{i,j}\mid M_{i,j} = l \sim N(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)

where Mi,j{1,,L}M_{i,j} \in \{1,\dots,L \} is the observational cluster indicator of observation ii in group jj. The prior on the model parameters is a Normal-Inverse-Gamma distribution (μl,σl2)NIG(m0,τ0,λ0,γ0)(\mu_l,\sigma^2_l)\sim NIG (m_0,\tau_0,\lambda_0,\gamma_0), i.e., μlσl2N(m0,σl2/τ0)\mu_l\mid\sigma^2_l \sim N(m_0, \sigma^2_l / \tau_0), 1/σl2Gamma(λ0,γ0)1/\sigma^2_l \sim Gamma(\lambda_0, \gamma_0) (shape, rate).


The model performs a clustering of both observations and groups. The clustering of groups (distributional clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Sj{1,,K}S_j \in \{1,\dots,K\}, with

Pr(Sj=k)=πkfor k=1,,K.Pr(S_j = k \mid \dots ) = \pi_k \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,\dots,K.

The distribution of the probabilities is (π1,,πK)DirichletK(α,,α)(\pi_1,\dots,\pi_{K})\sim Dirichlet_K(\alpha,\dots,\alpha).

The clustering of observations (observational clustering) is provided by the allocation variables Mi,j{1,,L}M_{i,j} \in \{1,\dots,L\}, with

Pr(Mi,j=lSj=k,)=ωl,kfor k=1,,K;l=1,,L.Pr(M_{i,j} = l \mid S_j = k, \dots ) = \omega_{l,k} \qquad \text{for } \: k = 1,\dots,K \, ; \: l = 1,\dots,L.

The distribution of the probabilities is (ω1,k,,ωL,k)DirichletL(β,,β)(\omega_{1,k},\dots,\omega_{L,k})\sim Dirichlet_L(\beta,\dots,\beta) for all k=1,,Kk = 1,\dots,K.


sample_fSAN returns four objects:

  • model: name of the fitted model.

  • params: list containing the data and the parameters used in the simulation. Details below.

  • sim: list containing the simulated values (MCMC chains). Details below.

  • time: total computation time.

Data and parameters: params is a list with the following components:


Number of MCMC iterations.

y, group

Data and group vectors.

maxK, maxL

Maximum number of distributional and observational clusters.

m0, tau0, lambda0, gamma0

Model hyperparameters.

Simulated values: sim is a list with the following components:


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the mean parameter for each observational cluster (μ1,μL)(\mu_1,\dots\mu_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxL). Each row is a posterior sample of the variance parameter for each observational cluster (σ12,σL2)(\sigma^2_1,\dots\sigma^2_L).


Matrix of size (nrep, n), with n = length(y). Each row is a posterior sample of the observational cluster allocation variables (M1,1,,MnJ,J)(M_{1,1},\dots,M_{n_J,J}).


Matrix of size (nrep, J), with J = length(unique(group)). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster allocation variables (S1,,SJ)(S_1,\dots,S_J).


Matrix of size (nrep, maxK). Each row is a posterior sample of the distributional cluster probabilities (π1,,πK)(\pi_1,\dots,\pi_{K}).


3-d array of size (maxL, maxK, nrep). Each slice is a posterior sample of the observational cluster probabilities. In each slice, each column kk is a vector (of length maxL) observational cluster probabilities (ω1,k,,ωL,k)(\omega_{1,k},\dots,\omega_{L,k}) for distributional cluster kk.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter α\alpha.


Vector of length nrep of posterior samples of the parameter β\beta.


D’Angelo, L., Canale, A., Yu, Z., and Guindani, M. (2023). Bayesian nonparametric analysis for the detection of spikes in noisy calcium imaging data. Biometrics, 79(2), 1370–1382. <doi:10.1111/biom.13626>

Malsiner-Walli, G., Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. and Grün, B. (2016). Model-based clustering based on sparse finite Gaussian mixtures. Statistics and Computing 26, 303–324. <doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9500-2>


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
plot(density(y[g==1]), xlim = c(-5,10))
lines(density(y[g==2]), col = 2)
out <- sample_fSAN(nrep = 500, burn = 200, y = y, group = g, 
                             nclus_start = 2,
                             maxK = 20, maxL = 20,
                             alpha = 0.01, beta = 0.01)

Traceplot: plot MCMC chains


Check the convergence of the MCMC through visual inspection of the chains.


traceplot(object, params, 
          show_density = TRUE, 
          show_burnin = TRUE, 
          length_burnin = NULL, 
          show_convergence = TRUE, 
          trunc_plot = 10)



object of class SANmcmc (the result of a call to sample_fiSAN, sample_fSAN, or sample_CAM).


vector of strings with the names of the parameters to check.


logical (default TRUE). Whether a kernel estimate of the density should be plotted. The burn-in is always discarded.


logical (default TRUE). Whether the first part of the chains should be plotted in the traceplots.


if show_burnin = FALSE, the length of the burn-in to be discarded.


logical (default TRUE). Whether a superimposed red line of the cumulative mean should be plotted.


integer (default = 10). For multidimensional parameters, the maximum number of components to be plotted.


The function displays the traceplots of the MCMC algorithm.


The function is not available for the observational weights ω\omega.


y <- c(rnorm(40,0,0.3), rnorm(20,5,0.3))
g <- c(rep(1,30), rep(2, 30))
out <- sample_fiSAN(nrep = 500, burn = 200, 
                    y = y, group = g, 
                    nclus_start = 2,
                    maxK = 20, maxL = 20,
                    beta = 1)
traceplot(out, params = c("mu", "sigma2"), trunc_plot = 2)